Customised Stainless Steel Kitchen
Stainless Steel cabinet installation in progress... #StainlessSteel #Kitchen
Customised Stainless Steel Kitchen Cabinet
A kitchen cabinet we just completed for a customer. This is an example of what could be done, stone top with stainless steel cabinet and...
Customised Table Leg
This is a table that is designed by a student for her project. We quite like her design as it shows that a few simple lines can create...
Stainless Steel Kitchen System
Our Stainless Steel Kitchen for Homes Mock up is complete. The mock up is completely stainless steel but it is possible to have a quartz...
Customised Office Table
What happens when: Staff: Boss, I need a table Boss: Go make one yourself #Furnitures #LaserCutting #StainlessSteel
Display Stand
Mixing wood, stainless steel and kupo accessories to make a mobile work station cum display #StainlessSteel #Shelves
Customised Table Leg
A customer's table under fabrication. Frankly many times we are skeptical of our customer's idea when the design is handed over to us for...
Stainless Steel Kitchen System
Mock up Kitchen in progress. Do visit our showroom if you want to take a closer look at our Stainless Steel Kitchen System....
Stainless Steel Flag Pole
Marikita...... #StainlessSteel
Decorative Stainless Steel Bird Cage
Cages to capture your dreams? Stainless steel cages for an overseas customer. Please note that there are imitations of the bird cage...